Saturday, June 20, 2020


Last night i joined in FNSI for June hosted by lovely Wendy . Oh dear, how is it June already & already half gone. 😔.

My poor little stitchery met with an accident. I'd started it earlier in the week & would've been finished but I came down with a migraine.  About lunchtime i thought I'd get a start on FNSI but discovered marks on my stitchery. What on earth I wondered.  I realised the cat with nose problems had been sitting on my chair & sneezed on my stitchery leaving blood spots on most of it.

Hmm what to do, will it washout & if it did that would mean my pen would wash out. Dilemmas for sure. So I thought try washing it out & retracing & if that failed I'd just have to start again. When I left it all the vines & most of the berries had been done. Luckily for me the blood washed out & I could retrace my pattern.

 I finished the berries, traced the birds, chain stitched the tops of the banners, got 1 banner stitched & started the 2nd. Doesn't look like I'll have the next one finished before Mondays stitchery is sent to me. 😔.

Pop over to visit Wendy to see who joined in & what lovely projects they worked on.

Happy Stitching,


Julie said...

Oh dear Jeanette .... I am SO pleased you managed to get the blood stains out of your stitchery & are able to restart your stitching on it. It is such a sweet design. I had one sitting on the table one time & my stepson knocked the beetroot container all over it!!!!

Karen's Korner said...

I am glad to hear that you could fix the problem and continue with your pretty stitchery.

Karen S said...

I am pleased you were able to save it and join in.

Vicki said...

So glad you managed to rescue your stitcher and didn't have to restart.

Fiona said...

Good save on the stitchery..... the months are going so quickly

Sharon Kwilter said...

Is your poor kitty okay? I'm glad you were able to wash the blood out.

Maria said...

Sew good you could wash the blood out as it's a sweet stitchery.
Hope pus is okay?

Raewyn said...

That was a lucky save with your stitchery piece Jeanette. I have to watch one cat as he comes in to see me in the mornings and jmps up on my sewing table....usually he's been outside so he leaves pawprints on what he stands on - grrrr. I have to pack things up properly or cover them up with an old towel! Hope your cat is ok with the sneezing and also that there are no more migranies.

Joy from Days Filled With Joy said...

Oh, I'm so glad you managed to clean it up... it's so pretty! Sorry you had another migraine... no fun.. hope you're all better now xx

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