"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
I started fairly early for FNSI to get 2 projects quilted & bound.
First up the Halloween mat. I had hoped to do a meander stitch all over the mat but my machine just doesn't like to do it. :( Straight line stitch it is then, 2 rows down each blade. Ready for Halloween this year.
If i ever make another i think i'll applique it to a background. :)
The advent calendar/tree was quilted next. I had hoped to meander quilt it too. I just ditch stitched along all the rows.
It took ages to tie in all the thread ends around the little stitcheries. lol. But it's done now & can go into the Christmas crates........continues. :)
I've appliqued the stitcheries onto the tree so it's now ready to quilt. Not sure how i want to do that yet.
These blocks were next in the pile. One just needed borders, another a background to be pieced & as i went to iron it down to applique i realised it needed a flower & leaf added. I vaguely remember having to remove them when i did the stitching. lol. The others borders for hexies to be appliqued & the other applique & embroidery.
The next wip/ufo was from 2019. Helen Stubbings from Hugs and Kisses offered a free Christmas sew along. The little stitcheries were all completed but that was it.
Yesterday i cut all the strips need to make the background tree & made the hanging up.
Next decision is to either make the stitcheries up like Helen did to hang from the tree of applique the circles to some backround fabric & then applique them to the tree.
I decided to cut out a background piece & applique one together to see how it looked on the background only to discover the stitchery circles are to big. Oh well i'll rectify that today. :)FNwF saw me putting together anther wip/ufo. I joined in with this BOM from Gail Pan back in 2021. I stitched a few of the blocks left it got it out again last year & stitched a few more. I think i was up to May by this time. A few weeks back i got it out again & was determined to get the stitcheries done. Wednesday saw me adding the green squares to each corner & trimming them back. All the blue strips & the corner squares were also cut & trimmed ready to go.
I tried to start fairly early but a phone call with my sister put paid to that. :)
Bring Me Flowers is now officially a flimsy. I'm so glad that it is no longer in the pile. Now to get on with the next wip/ufo....... is no longer a WIP/UFO. It's a flimsy.
After i emailed the designer, Fig 'n' Berry, explaining my dilemma i received an email later that day with the missing pattern attached. I was so grateful that Lisa had kindly re-sent me the pattern.
Now to finish of a Gail Pan BOM from 2 or 3 years ago. I'm up to November blocks. Time to sort out the green & blue fabrics to turn it into a flimsy. I have just a few hexies to sew onto a lap quilt & that will also be a flimsy. So far getting my plan for 2023 to get my WIPS/UFO's under control is succeeding. :)Happy Stitching,
was last night. My project was the little Christmas stitcheries i've been plodding along with. The one on the left had the satin stitch...