Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Chookshed Stitcher's Challenge #5 update

 Monday saw the borders going on my project for the challenge & that was some fun & games. :) Then i glue basted it & left it overnight to dry. Tuesday i was all set for a day of quilting & binding. By night time i was done.:)  After that i could make a start on sewing this months RSC. :) Hopefully they'll be done by Friday.

My project went from this

to this

Freshly washed. I had to soak it because despite being packed away it had marks on it. I tipped the water out this morning after soaking overnight & imagine my horror when i saw the water was purplish. I hoped like crazy that i hadn't exchanged dirty marks for purple marks. It looks like a stain along the top but it isn't, it's just what is hanging behind on the clothesline.

I threw in a couple of dye catchers & they soaked up any dye that was there. 
Thanks Deana for the encouragement to get the pesky ufo's moving along out of the way. :) Now to wait for Junes number.

Happy Stitching,


Julie said...

It looks wonderful Jeanette & well done!!! Lucky that you thought to throw in those dye catchers - they do a great job. xx

Lin said...

It is a lovely finish, congratulations. And good to have it done rather than languishing in the cupboard. xx

Jeanna said...

Congratulations on such a beautiful finish. I'd say you more than met the challenge!

loulee said...

Great achievement. It has been fun seeing what everyone has selected for their challenges.

dq said...

A finish, a finish, a finish! How exciting! It looks great!

Karen's Korner said...

Nice to be able to move a UFO along to the finish line. Those colour catchers do a great job.

kiwikid said...

Well done on meeting your challenge - the challenge is great for motivating us ti get thigs done isn't it.

ButterZ said...

How lucky you used the colour catchers

Maria said...

Well done with the #5 finish.
Love those colour catchers…..

Jenny said...

Lovely finish

Laura said...

Great choice on that last border! Congrats on the finish! :)

FNwF October

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