Monday, January 31, 2011


I was beginning to wonder if i'd make my UFO list i set myself for January. Well i did. I also made & finished a few other things so the plus there is i didn't ADD to my UFO list. :)

I had traced this out before Christmas but didn't want it sitting there until this Christmas. Heart stitchery is from May Britt. I know i've joined the One Xmas Item a month but January has seen me finish 5 i think. Well ahead for Christmas 2011. :)

The Sugarplum Table topper by Bronwyn Hayes finally finished. I really enjoyed making this little topper. Even with the hassle of the shrinking backing fabric.

I turned this little stitchery into a bag. The pattern was a free one from Lisa.
I finally, after several years, have put together this Round Robin. My row was the angels, the shepards row was done by Sheila. Sheila recently made 2 wallhangings from what she received back in the RR so i was inspired to finally get mine done. I've only been saying since i got the rows back " i'll sew that for this Christmas". Now it's ready. :) The mittens row was made by Dianne. Dianne has recently joined the blogging world so please drop by & welcome her. Wilma(no blog) made the Reindeers row, Annette(no blog) made the pieced presents row, Marilyn(no blog) the stockings row, Tone(no blog) the row with the tree & presents, Lynda made the Christmas bauble row. Lynda has also recently joined the blogging world. Lynda has been my good friend since 2000 & i'm so glad she has joined us as she make beautiful things, Please visit her & say Hi.

 Last finish i have is a Valentines heart i made for a swap.

Just made it to add these to my OPAM list for January. :)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Some finishes & Things

I have 2 more finishes for January. I did get my Sugarplum Tabletopper finished also but as i just discovered the backing has shrunk. I'm not impressed as i'd washed it before using. Now  i have to unpick it all & find different fabric for backing. Grrrr. I've even managed to get a RR from a few years back sewn together. Just deciding on what to do about borders & it will be quilted soon.
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Not sure but i think this is Gail’s 2009 free stitchery.
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2010(?) stitchery from Gail also.
I’d forgotten to show  you a picture of the cute little tape measure i’d bought the last time i was at Bargain Box.

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Cute little cat. The tape gets pulled out via the ear.
I was doing a search on more books to read & must’ve had to many tabs open. Thought i’d found book 3 in a series ive been reading. I ordered the book before Christmas & when it finally arrived was a little puzzled as to why it didn’t follow on the first 2. Took a closer look of the cover & realised i’d ordered part 3 of a series i haven’t bought. :( Well had to order 1 & 2 then didn’t i. :)
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I enjoyed all 3 novels by Amy Clipston.
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This arrived in the mail the other day. A pattern i succumbed to buying in the New Year after saying “no more”. :) Guess i’d better go & unpick the tabletopper & cut borders for my RR.
Have a fabulous day.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

My week that was:

I started the week out tracing the blocks for Tis The season so i can get start but then the floods hit & i spent the next days watching the news. Whilst watching that i embroidered. I then discovered the Gumnut girls were asking for Sewing Kits to be made. Out came the patterns, tossed this one, then that one aside. I asked my daughter to choose. Wasn’t happy with what she chose even though the pattern was quite nice. Back to the drawing board.  I discovered a pattern i’d bought fabric for ages ago. That was my choice. Now to trace the embroidery. I had planned to have it in the mail by Friday but with all good intentions that plan went out the window. I then discovered that Friday that a friends house flooded.
I couldn’t get over there until Saturday & this is what her front yard looked like after removing her belongings on Friday
More belongings from the shed were added later.
Not very clear but this is the view from the back window. The house is highset so i was looking down towards the river. Whilst we were there a helicopter was flying around & unbeknownst to us was taking photo’s. We found out Monday when a picture appeared in Mondays local paper. You can just see my son in the front yard. :) About 3 pm these guys turned up to help & they cleaned the shed out. They ran out of room to dump stuff on the footpath & you can see where they had to dump the stuff across the road.
This is what i did Monday. Washed mud off my friend’s shop stock which she had stored under her house. I was lucky my 2 girls helped but it still took 3 hours.
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Meanwhile i still persevered with the embroidery & finally the day came when i could sit at the machine. Oh yes i decided i would make a 2nd Sewing Kit.
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1st Sewing Kit.
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2nd Sewing Kit.
Here we are Thursday & i didn’t get to my hexagons this week.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

One Flower Wednesday

As i sit & write some of Ipswich has gone under flood. We were told that the flood peak at 11 am today would be at 22 metres but the news just said it will be less than that as the rain has eased but not by a lot. I actually woke to blue skies this morning. The shops in the CBD in Ipswich have flooded already. We are also being told this is going to be worse then both the 1974 flood & one way back in the 1800’s.

Just watching the news & where my son & i drove through the CBD of Ipswich just yesterday morning is a sea of water. We made a dash over to Bargain Box for some fabrics & things. That shop will be under water now. So saddening to watch this in my State of Queensland. Fortunately i’m high & dry but so many others have had to be evacuated not mention the loss of life & there are those still missing from the inland Tsunami that swept through Toowoomba on the range & down into the Lockyer Valley.

As my blog title said it is Flower day. I missed posting last week so have those photo’s to show as well.

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These are the 4 by 1” ones from last week. I decided to finish off the 1” ones i’d prepared as i didn’t realise i’d reached 100 when i prepared a pile 2 weeks ago.

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1/2” ones &

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1/4” baby.

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The 3 by 1” ones i sewed last night. These last 3 will make a total of 114 if i counted correctly.

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1 lonely little 1/2”. Have to find the printed sheet now to get more ready for next week.Picture 106

1/4” flower. 

I forgot to take photo’s of a few more things i’d bought over recent weeks. Though i’m still waiting on a pattern to arrive. 1 thing i did promise myself before Christmas was to buy no more patterns from January one as i’ve far to many. To buy on it will really have to excite me or it may be something i think would make a great present for a friend. Well the pattern i’m waiting for i broke my promise to myself as i bought it New Years Day. :)

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This gorgeous snowman pincushion i ordered before Christmas arrived  a while back. Thanks to slow mail over Christmas. :( I bought this from the lovely Cori. The cute little pins came with the hat.


Cath was only supposed to be dropping some skull pins off to me but when she came she brought some goodies with her. Couldn’t resist buying them. :)

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Beautiful and dyed felt. It is so soft to feel.

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And the gorgeous Cottage Garden Threads. All hand dyed. The felt is also by the ladies who do the Cottage Garden thread.

Have a great day.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fins, gills & webbed feet :-

I think i’m growing them. LOL. Where i live is under flood alert now. :( My stepson went out to his girlfriends & last night where she lives has been totally flooded out. I did tell him not to go anywhere. We are ok at the moment as the house is on a hill. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. I’ve not been online for a bit as my daughter has taken to hogging my computer since the “shared computer is being hogged by her sister. So lots to catch up on.
About November i looked at my sad state of affairs in my sewing room & decided i need to come up with a plan to get the UFO’s out of the way, complete WIP’s & do something about all the kits & patterns i’ve bought fabrics for but what to do? I had ideas but rejected them all until i hit upon one that suited me. I was a bit slow getting started as i needed to find the dividers & then was waiting until the sales started for back to school needs.
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These are the dividers i found to use. They go from January to December which is exactly what i wanted. I then took a pile of loose A4 paper & set too setting my system up.
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My lists. :) UFO’s of which i discovered i have nearly 40, next is my WIP’s list followed by my 1 a month Xmas list & the last page has both sides full of kits & patterns that have fabric bought ready to make.
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This page has written down on it the UFO’s i’d like to get made this month as well as ideas for working on WIP’s, the Xmas list  & maybe even start a project from the kits list. All 12 months are set up this way. It’s not set in concrete but it gives me a starting point to work from. It suits me.
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I bought these off of Perri. I’m so glad Perri thoughtfully put them in a plastic bag inside the envelope. My regular mailperson is back on duty :( & just shoved the envelope into the mailbox. The envelope was so torn up by this & then the rain didn’t help even though i went out straight away to get the mail.
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Another book to read. Need more now as there is little to do in the rainy weather except read or sew.
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A while ago Sandra had a giveaway on her blog. The prize was the storage container similar to what Sandra uses to store her hexagons in. As you can see i won it. :) Sandra also included the little finger pincushion & a potscrubber. Lucky me. :)
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I’ve been slack with my clamshells. I realised the original amount of fabric i bought may not be enough for the size quilt i’m making. Of i trot to Bargain Box only to discover that whilst they did still have the range of fabrics i chose there were one or two missing of the print i needed. What to do, what to do? I decided to go with the spots from the same range & mix them all in. Just realised i bought the wrong white/purple spot. Oh well.
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And finally i’ve made a start on Brutus. Here is number one finished. Now to start number 2. :)
Back to weather watching for me. Hopefully i’ll be back tomorrow with a post of my Wednesday flowers. I missed posting last week because not only did i have a computer hog i was busy cleaning.
Have a great day.:)

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...