Monday, January 31, 2011


I was beginning to wonder if i'd make my UFO list i set myself for January. Well i did. I also made & finished a few other things so the plus there is i didn't ADD to my UFO list. :)

I had traced this out before Christmas but didn't want it sitting there until this Christmas. Heart stitchery is from May Britt. I know i've joined the One Xmas Item a month but January has seen me finish 5 i think. Well ahead for Christmas 2011. :)

The Sugarplum Table topper by Bronwyn Hayes finally finished. I really enjoyed making this little topper. Even with the hassle of the shrinking backing fabric.

I turned this little stitchery into a bag. The pattern was a free one from Lisa.
I finally, after several years, have put together this Round Robin. My row was the angels, the shepards row was done by Sheila. Sheila recently made 2 wallhangings from what she received back in the RR so i was inspired to finally get mine done. I've only been saying since i got the rows back " i'll sew that for this Christmas". Now it's ready. :) The mittens row was made by Dianne. Dianne has recently joined the blogging world so please drop by & welcome her. Wilma(no blog) made the Reindeers row, Annette(no blog) made the pieced presents row, Marilyn(no blog) the stockings row, Tone(no blog) the row with the tree & presents, Lynda made the Christmas bauble row. Lynda has also recently joined the blogging world. Lynda has been my good friend since 2000 & i'm so glad she has joined us as she make beautiful things, Please visit her & say Hi.

 Last finish i have is a Valentines heart i made for a swap.

Just made it to add these to my OPAM list for January. :)


Linda said...

You got a lot done, Jeanette!! Love the pretty heart stitchery!! Little spools are darling!

Sheila said...

I am so proud of you Jeanette in accomplishing so many finishes and the row quilt really looks great , I had forgotten what I had done it has been so long , so nice now you have it all ready for next Christmas and it will look wonderful .
hugs SHeila

Red Heads said...

Hello Jeanette, You have been very busy my dear. I had forgotten as well what I had contributed to your hanging. I have to get mine finished!!!.. You have inspired me. You heart stitch is soo cute. Thanks for sharing & have a GREAT day. Blessings: Dianne.

Storybook House Quilter said...

Hahaha I was looking for the stocking row and all I could see was a row of green wine bottles (the background space) - what a twit! Guess I'm thinking a glass of wine would be nice.

All your finishes look great and I am so impressed with the amount of beautiful projects you create! WOW!!!!

Roseanne said...

You have been so busy I love the stitchery heart. Come on stop making the rest of us look bad LOL.

DL3 said...

Carrie P. said...

YOu are a very busy and creative quilter. So many lovely things you are working on.

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...