Monday, January 24, 2011

Some finishes & Things

I have 2 more finishes for January. I did get my Sugarplum Tabletopper finished also but as i just discovered the backing has shrunk. I'm not impressed as i'd washed it before using. Now  i have to unpick it all & find different fabric for backing. Grrrr. I've even managed to get a RR from a few years back sewn together. Just deciding on what to do about borders & it will be quilted soon.
Picture 123
Not sure but i think this is Gail’s 2009 free stitchery.
Picture 124
2010(?) stitchery from Gail also.
I’d forgotten to show  you a picture of the cute little tape measure i’d bought the last time i was at Bargain Box.

Picture 103
Cute little cat. The tape gets pulled out via the ear.
I was doing a search on more books to read & must’ve had to many tabs open. Thought i’d found book 3 in a series ive been reading. I ordered the book before Christmas & when it finally arrived was a little puzzled as to why it didn’t follow on the first 2. Took a closer look of the cover & realised i’d ordered part 3 of a series i haven’t bought. :( Well had to order 1 & 2 then didn’t i. :)
Picture 125 Picture 126
Picture 127
I enjoyed all 3 novels by Amy Clipston.
Picture 130
This arrived in the mail the other day. A pattern i succumbed to buying in the New Year after saying “no more”. :) Guess i’d better go & unpick the tabletopper & cut borders for my RR.
Have a fabulous day.


Michelle said...

What a shame about the table runner;o( Hope it doesn't take to long to fix it! The books look like a really good read too, Enjoy!

FlourishingPalms said...

Yes, the first stitchery is Gail Pan's 2009 freebie. I stitched it too! You can see mine here:

It's always pleasant to work on stitcheries, isn't it?

Nice that you're continuing to enjoy your Amish stories, even if the latest are by accident!

Roseanne said...

Sorry about your table runner hope you get it fix soon. Like your free Christmas wall hanging I have got this to do. I love your patter that you have brought.

Linda said...

2 more finishes!! You are rocking! Love the stitcheries!!

Linda said...

Happy Australia Day!!! :-)

Narelle said...

Love your Christmas Stitcheries!
Clever kitty too. :o)

Sheila said...

I love these little stitcheries , somehow I missed this post . I also like your new pattern , that looks really neat . I am going to check to see if those books are around here they look interesting .
hugs Sheila

Rainbow Scrap Challenge January

 Talk about leaving it to the last minute. :) :). I rather liked the little button blocks that Fiona  had made a couple of years back so i d...