Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fins, gills & webbed feet :-

I think i’m growing them. LOL. Where i live is under flood alert now. :( My stepson went out to his girlfriends & last night where she lives has been totally flooded out. I did tell him not to go anywhere. We are ok at the moment as the house is on a hill. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. I’ve not been online for a bit as my daughter has taken to hogging my computer since the “shared computer is being hogged by her sister. So lots to catch up on.
About November i looked at my sad state of affairs in my sewing room & decided i need to come up with a plan to get the UFO’s out of the way, complete WIP’s & do something about all the kits & patterns i’ve bought fabrics for but what to do? I had ideas but rejected them all until i hit upon one that suited me. I was a bit slow getting started as i needed to find the dividers & then was waiting until the sales started for back to school needs.
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These are the dividers i found to use. They go from January to December which is exactly what i wanted. I then took a pile of loose A4 paper & set too setting my system up.
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My lists. :) UFO’s of which i discovered i have nearly 40, next is my WIP’s list followed by my 1 a month Xmas list & the last page has both sides full of kits & patterns that have fabric bought ready to make.
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This page has written down on it the UFO’s i’d like to get made this month as well as ideas for working on WIP’s, the Xmas list  & maybe even start a project from the kits list. All 12 months are set up this way. It’s not set in concrete but it gives me a starting point to work from. It suits me.
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I bought these off of Perri. I’m so glad Perri thoughtfully put them in a plastic bag inside the envelope. My regular mailperson is back on duty :( & just shoved the envelope into the mailbox. The envelope was so torn up by this & then the rain didn’t help even though i went out straight away to get the mail.
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Another book to read. Need more now as there is little to do in the rainy weather except read or sew.
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A while ago Sandra had a giveaway on her blog. The prize was the storage container similar to what Sandra uses to store her hexagons in. As you can see i won it. :) Sandra also included the little finger pincushion & a potscrubber. Lucky me. :)
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I’ve been slack with my clamshells. I realised the original amount of fabric i bought may not be enough for the size quilt i’m making. Of i trot to Bargain Box only to discover that whilst they did still have the range of fabrics i chose there were one or two missing of the print i needed. What to do, what to do? I decided to go with the spots from the same range & mix them all in. Just realised i bought the wrong white/purple spot. Oh well.
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And finally i’ve made a start on Brutus. Here is number one finished. Now to start number 2. :)
Back to weather watching for me. Hopefully i’ll be back tomorrow with a post of my Wednesday flowers. I missed posting last week because not only did i have a computer hog i was busy cleaning.
Have a great day.:)


Kate said...

So Pleased to read your post..Have been watching TV coverageof floods all day...Horrific...Please Take great care and stay safe...xxx Kate

Narelle said...

Is your son safe?
Make sure you all stay safe and dry.

Brutus is excellent ... love the colours ... is it a varigate different threads?

Quiltin' Sandy said...

Hi Jeanette. Just wanted to say I am thinking of you. I have emailed my cousins up there, my Aunt is at Yamanto, another cousin at Rosewood. I lived in Woodend, right near the Bremer River when I was a little girl, remember one flood but nothing like the last one, and I hope this one is not as bad as expected. my thoughts and prayers are with everyone up there.
I also have a friend in Toowoomba, have msgd her on FB and emailed her, I am desperate to know she and her family are ok. many hugs from Sandy. Stay safe!

Joy said...

Stay safe my friend!!! Hope the floodwaters stay well away from you!!
Love all your stitching ... and those spots are delish, but you knew I'd love them now didn't you ;o)!!??!
Love n hugs,
Joy :o)

Wendyb said...

Oh Jeanette, my thoughts and prayers are with you....stay safe and well....
hugs and sweet blessings
Wendy XXX :O)

Sheila said...

Love the Brutus stitchery , have that on my list too ;-0 Stay safe Jeanette , sure hope those flood waters don't reach you . Hugs Sheila

FlourishingPalms said...

We've been following Queensland's flooding from here in the US, and it's devastating to think about. Having been through our own flood in Des Moines, in 1993, and losing drinking water, I can appreciate on a little of what everyone's experiencing. The loss of homes, cars and possessions can't be fully fathomed. Stay high and dry!

Thanks for sharing your approach to making and finishing quilting and stitchery projects. Being organized goes a long way toward achieving goals.

Linda said...

I am so relieved you and your family are okay!! I have been really concerned with all the new reports. I will keep you all in my thought!! :-)

Great way to organize the UFOs. Super idea! Nice prize too! Love Brutus!!

Unknown said...

Last week I saw reports of flooding in your area, but I was hoping you'd stay clear.

I love your organizing system. I'm sure you'll be knocking out those UFO's in no time. :)

marion said...

good idea for your ufo/wip's I just started, see my blog if you like

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge For March........

 ...... is number 2. For me that is to finish of the blocks from RSC 2024. The cracker box blocks i did finish the needed ones a while back ...