Saturday, September 4, 2021

No sewing

 No sewing for me for about a week. I had a cancerous growth on my hand around the ring finger area removed yesterday. It's been removed several times over the years but keeps coming back. I knocked it several weeks back & it looked awful so i said to my Dr it needs to have something done so it doesn't grow back again. So off to do the rounds of the hospital system due to a mix up. It was just a local anesthetic & ended up going through as a general anesthetic. It was finally sorted & back to being removed under local. Before they did the surgery i was asked did i have any questions. I said no all that i ask is that you remove everything so that it doesn't grow back. :) :). I have several stitches & it hurts like all out. Looks like just reading for me this week. Sadly i have read all my books.

Happy Stitching,


Karen's Korner said...

I hope they have removed the offending growth for good. Sounds like lots of lounge and tv time coming up for you.

Julie said...

Oh gosh Jeanette - I do hope they managed to remove it all & it stays away. You will be itching to get back to some stitching soon. Do you have a local Library you can borrow from or are you on Lockdown too?

Chookyblue...... said...

Goodluck.... Hope they have it all this time......
Does your local library have borrow box? You can get audio and books in the app online to read our listen to them.....

Janice said...

Let's hope that is the last time you have to deal with it and it heals well and quickly. Take care. My hubby is in the same boat with reading material. He only has a couple of more books to read and then he will have to investigate ebooks from the library. Hopefully you will be back at the next Zoom get together with Chooky. Take care.

loulee said...

I hope they got it all this time. Take care.
Have you tried joining an online library? You can download books to your tablet/IPad or even your phone.

Fiona said...

Take care...


Karen S said...

Glad you had a it seen to. Hope it heals quickly so you can get back to sewing.

Susan said...

Ouch - I do hope its all sorted now.
I had a finger op a while back - so annoying to have time off work and no sewing - though I was able to sort and match pre cut 2.5" squares.
Wishing you a quick recovery.

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