Tuesday, December 27, 2022


 As a gift for Christmas this one sucks

yep a brand new cast for another 3 weeks. Plus i'm told if it hasn't healed right by then it's onto surgery & a pin inserted. Cross fingers, toes & touch wood it's healed well.

Every year at mothers day, birthday & Christmas time i'm asked "what do you want" and every year my reply is the same " Peace & Quiet" Well this year i finally got what i asked for as my birthday & Christmas presents. :) :).

The shirt was my birthday present & the tea for Christmas. To go with the tea i was also given this mug

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Desert Rose

 I have 4 desert roses which i thought had died off as all the leaves were gone & spring had arrived & nothing was happening then all of a sudden leaves started forming & after patiently waiting 2 produced blooms. Both have lots of them on them too which i'm so pleased to see.

This one of my older ones & the largest plant.

This is my newest one I bought it maybe 2 years ago & have been waiting to see what colour it is. It's in it's own pot sitting at the base of the picture at the top. To the side is 1 of 2 plain white desert rose plants. I hope they flower soon.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, December 17, 2022

FNSI December

 Another year gone & now we are onto the last FNSI for 2022 hosted by Wendy.

Not being able to do much my days drift together & i'd forgotten it was Friday. Around lunch time i turned on Netflix & picked up my embroidery to stitch & sometime during the afternoon i remembered that it was Friday & therefore FNSI day. I'm back to stitching the bom A Redwork Christmas by Fig n Berry Creations having finished the bom blocks from Rosalie Quinlan. Now if i could only get them into a hanging before Christmas Day. Oh well next year. :)

This is block 8 that i'm working on. Only 16 more to go.

Pop over here to see who joined in.

Merry Christmas & Happy Stitching,

Saturday, December 3, 2022

FNwF December

 Well there we have it. Another year flown by & the last Friday Night with Friends hosted by Cheryll for 2022.

Despite spending most of my morning up at the hospital having this done i managed some stitching during the evening.

I fractured a bone 2-1/2 weeks ago in my left foot & apparently is was bad enough to require plaster for 4 weeks. :(

Anyway after a few hours rest as i fell down twice & luckily didn't do any other damage to myself i spent a quiet evening working on this stitchery

I finished on border & most of the 2nd before the show i was watching finished & bed called me.

Pop over here to see who joined in.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, November 19, 2022

FNSI November

Last night i joined in FNSI hosted by Wendy . Quite honestly i don't know why i bother to join up anymore as everytime i make plans for a lovely day of sewing something always happens to prevent it somehow so all i end up doing is a little handwork. :(

I worked on the angel block from the Rosalie(Quinlan) Dekker Christmas hanging i've been stitching. This is where i was up to at the start of my evening of stitching

and where i got up to before calling it quits & going to bed

Pop over to visit Wendy to see who joined in & the projects they worked on

Happy Stitching

Monday, November 7, 2022


 A wee bit excited. A while back i noticed that the 2 olives trees had tiny flowers on them so i crossed fingers that this year we'd get olives. When taking a photo yesterday my daughter & i discovered way more olives than i thought. Yay. Now to learn about what to do with them when they are ready to pick.

Happy Stitching,

Friday, October 21, 2022

Halloween mat

 Tuesday afternoon i decided to pull out my Halloween scraps & make a mat/hanging to use them up. I'd seen a similar mat & found a pattern online i could use/adapt.

I had completed the cutting & sewing of the wreath by evening & a curious kitty came to investigate what i was holding on my hand. Since the hole was big enough i tried it on for size as a collar. :)

Today i finished it off.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, October 8, 2022

FNwF October.

Yesterday was FNwF hosted by Cheryll & although i did join in unfortunately it was not a good health day for me so i just faffed around with a few projects.

They are mostly UFO projects that needed some thing done so i could move them along to completion. First though i refilled my UFO basket. My sister asked me how many UFO's i have & i said " too many to poke a stick at" Lol.

This isn't a UFO but it needed trimming back

then i prepared the next 5 blocks for this project

Next was a BOM from several years back that i did all the blocks for but left the borders for "another time". :)

I made 3 attempts to iron on the patterns ready to stitch but despite careful pinning & pressing these were the results

 The papers moved. :(. You'd think i'd give up after the first attempt but i was determined to try & get them ironed on as it involves a lot of tracing otherwise. So have i given up now, yes i have. I've chucked out the fabrics & will now trace out the patterns.

Next was this freebie from Hugs and Kisses back in 2019. I've still to choose fabrics for it but at least the stitcheries are now ready to applique down. Might need a shopping trip for those fabrics though. :)

Next is the project from a stitch along on blogs from several years back. I finished the stitcheries but some needed to be cut back & the ovals need to be made ready for applique. It made it to the head of the UFO pile but i wasn't happy with the fabrics i'd put aside to finish it so a trip to my LPS is in order.

So despite faffing around at least some of my UFO's have moved along in their state of readiness to be finished.

The Christmas stitchery i've been stitching was up to here last night when i sat down to stitch

and here when i went to bed

Pop over to visit Cheryll to see who joined in FNfW

Happy Stitching,

Thursday, October 6, 2022

The Little Cottage

 I stitched this hanging earlier this year & finished it yesterday. One more UFO done. Yay for me. :)

Design by Fig 'n' Berry creations

Happy Stitching,

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Churn Dash Sew Along

 Before October runs away from me i thought i'd better get my churn dash blocks made up into a flimsy at least. Not sure when it will be quilted but at least i kept up with Chookyblue's guidelines for the sew along. It only seems like only yesterday we were discussing making a churn dash quilt but alas nearly 5-6 months have passed since that chat.

Happy Stitching,

Monday, October 3, 2022

Armchair caddy

 I saw this pattern in Australian Country Craft back in late 1990's to early 2000's & i gathered all the bits & pieces for it but as usual put it aside. Many times over the years i thought about making it up, then thinking i should just put all the fabrics ect into other projects. 

I had decided to do just that when i had a rethink & did the embroidery & applique earlier this year. Yesterday it was at the top of my ufo basket & i finished it off but to late to take photo's.

Busy Hands, Happy Hearts is by Christine Book.

Happy Stitching

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Vintage Sewing cushion

 Vintage sewing cushion was another pattern i bought many years ago after seeing one made. I purchased fabrics ect to make it & had my SIL crochet the bits needed to decorate. Unfortunately the crochet she made to go across the wedges was to short so i had to find scrap lace to add to the top. Then as usual it was put aside. :). Not sure when i got it out & did the stitcheries, possibly last year or earlier this year.

Today was the day to finish it. Yesterday i cut out all the fabric pieces needed & made up the wedge top. It took a wee bit longer to finish than i thought it would.

Happy stitching

Friday, September 30, 2022

Tuffet Pincushion

 Many years back after seeing one made i bought a Tuffet In A Tin by Anni Downs of Hatched & Patched. I didn't do a thing with it until earlier this year when i put together the hexagons for the top & bottom.

 As it is time to stop procrastinating & waiting for my sewjo to return i got it out of my "to be finished" basket & completed it today.

I  did have some troubles with sewing it together & on hindsight i would do the sewing together a little differently but i followed the pattern so i figured i didn't do to badly. :)

Happy Stitching

Saturday, September 24, 2022

FNSI September part 2

 GS wanted another little quilt for his teddy. Earlier this week i helped him sew 4 squares together & add borders. Yesterday i quilted & bound the little quilt.

then i started stitching block 2 of It's A Redwork Christmas

Pop over here to see who joined in last night

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, September 17, 2022

FNSI September

 Although it wasn't announced i still did some stitching as if it was FNSI. :)

I was feeling a bit bored with my hexie star quilt & i didn't want to work on my bom stitcheries so i started a new project. Lol.

 A set of 9 stitcheries called A Redwork Christmas by Rosalie Quinlan Designs

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Zoom time

 Yesterday Chooky invited us to join her again for a lovely Zoom day sewing along with ladies from all over the world. I did miss a couple of ladies from the northern hemisphere in the morning.

I sewed together 1 row of my star hexies & half of a 2nd row before my laptop chucked a fit & turned my screen pink. Sadly I had to leave the Zoom chat which was nice as always.

I kept sewing last night & finished the 2nd row.

And started adding a previously finished row to the top

I'll be glad when I get my new laptop this week. I really don't like using my tablet for doing posts & I can't comment on some blogs. :(.

Thankyou Chooky & all the ladies who joined in yesterday for a wonderful day.

Happy Stitching,

Saturday, September 3, 2022

FNwF September

 My day started early for FNwF.

I'd finished this hexie flower off a while back but really didn't know what to do with it. The little box it came in just has photo's for ideas no actual pattern. I did think i would make a needlecase but as i was appliqueing i decided it will make a lovely label for one of my EPP quilts.

Next to do was fight with this top to get it quilted. Not sure what the problem was & some of the quilting looks like a dogs dinner. I did unpick a lot but i think my machine just didn't like the wadding. :(

I tried to take a photo this morning before i left for northern NSW but it was just to dark being overcast & this was what i ended up with.

A little photo bomber who thought the quilt was for her. lol

So when i got back sadly it was already dark & i tried again for photo's but didn't like any. Thinking maybe it's just my camera i tried taking a photo with my phone hoping it would be better.

I don't think it's much better. :(

Pop over to visit Cheryll to see who joined in.

Happy Stitching,

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Not letting the grass grow.......

 ....... since i made August's 8 churn dash blocks yesterday i figured i was on a roll & that as today was the 1st of September  i would just continue on & make the last 8 blocks. :)

Once those were done i laid them all out to see how they look together.

This is not the layout i just place them this way to see them all .Now to cut sashings & setting triangles ready to finish the top off. 

Happy Stitching,

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Churn Dash Blocks & a finish

 Just made it in the nick of time. Phew. :) lol

8 blocks for the churn dash sewalong

plus my 1 & only finish for August

Happy Stitching,

Sunday, August 28, 2022


Yesterday Chookyblue invited us to a quick Zoom. I was at the shops when i saw the message so i quickly grabbed my coffee & vanilla slice & hurried home as quick as i could (i was walking) as i didn't want to miss anything :) lol.

I only managed to get 1 rosette done

whilst chatting to these lovely ladies

Some left after this photo & others popped in.

2 more rosettes were made last night

I have 6 full rosettes to make but i'm short 20 hexagons for 3 of those & quite a few small triangles. When i make those up i'll count what i need for the fillers & get them made up also. Then it will be a case of tracking down where i put the red fabric for the large triangles & making those up.

Happy Stitching,

FNSI October

 Yesterday was FNSI for October hosted by Wendy. I had started working on a little mat a few days ago so that was my project of choice. I wa...